IHP, Frankfurt (Oder)
  » Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission deadline is extended to January 30, 2009.

Please send your abstract in one e-mail to gadest@ihp-microelectronics.com.
Receipt of your abstract will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Please provide an abstract which clearly states the motivation, the new scientific insights of your work and their relevance with respect to the specific research area.

On base of the abstract the International Program Committee decides whether your contribution will be accepted for GADEST 2009.

The abstract should be submitted in English. It is limited to two A4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt). Two figures might be included. The abstract has to start with title, authors and affiliation. The responsible author should be marked and include her/his e-mail, phone and fax.

The responsible author will be notified not later than March 2009. Notification of acceptance also informs you whether your contribution is scheduled for oral or poster presentation.