Press Releases

Self-presentation is the key

Participants of the workshop "Self presentation, Small Talk & Networking" organized by European University Viadrina at IHP.

At the end of September female scientists gained comprehensive qualifications on self-presentation during a workshop which was organized in corporation with the European University Viadrina´s “Mentoring- and coaching program for PhD-candidates, post-doctoral-scientists and junior professors”.

At conferences it is not only necessary to present our scientific work in a good light. At the same way important is how we pitch ourself to get in contact with others and to network. In an interactive two-day-session Dr. Karin Bodewits and Peter Kronenberg, both scientists, teached the participants. They skilled them in self-presentation and -promotion in the scientific environment. But also how to communicate successful in a research context and how to use the body language in an effective way. “It was a really good experience and I learned a lot how to behave and to communicate. I think at my next conference I will be more self-confident.” said Viktoria Schlykow, PhD-student at IHP.

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