IHP offers an excellent research infrastructure with excellent clean room conditions including a continuous pilot line. Our multinational teams are working together across disciplines. Within these framework conditions your research spirit can develop freely. Application-oriented tasks challenge your creativity.
PhD students >> click here <<
If you want to pursue an academic career, you can start at IHP with a doctorate. Our PhD students are working independently on research topics in their field of expertise and are supervised in a structured manner by renowned scientists. We encourage discussion of current research results in colloquia held within the institute. In advanced training courses, key qualifications such as presentation techniques, project management and the writing of scientific texts are taught. We enable you to participate in international conferences so that you can lay the foundations for an internationally visible research reputation with us.
Postdocs and experienced researchers >> click here <<
As a postdoc and experienced scientist, you can deepen and broaden your knowledge at IHP. The excellent research infrastructure as well as the strong basic funding and annual third-party funding of approx. 19 million euros offer the best conditions for this. Close international cooperation with universities, non-university research institutions and industry offers interesting tasks and the opportunity to further enhance your reputation and international visibility.
If, in addition to your proven professional expertise, you also have the ability to lead employees, there is the possibility of becoming active as a group or project leader at IHP.
Guest scientists >> click here <<
IHP offers guest residencies at our institute to renowned scientists from all over the world. These exchanges of experience form the basis for successful joint projects and/or publications and serve the qualification of young scientists.
Are you a scientist and interested in a guest stay at IHP? Then you are welcome to apply via our online application form.
Scholarship programs
We promote the international exchange of students and graduates as a partner of the following international scholarship programs, among others
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: Every year, the Humboldt Foundation enables more than 2,000 researchers from all over the world to spend time researching in Germany and maintains a network of more than 25,000 Humboldtians from all disciplines - including 48 Nobel Prize winners. More information:
International IHP "Wolfgang Mehr" award: The international IHP "Wolfgang Mehr" award is granted annually for the purpose of close cooperation in new research areas. Following the spirit of our former scientific director Wolfgang Mehr, the award is given to innovative, interdisciplinary research topics with a high potential for technological breakthrough.
Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions: The EU program aims to promote both geographic and sectoral mobility between science and industry combined with a structured training of researchers at all stages of their careers. More information:
DAAD RISE Program: IHP supports the DAAD RISE Program for students and graduates of natural and engineering sciences from North America. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports short-term research of North American and British students at German universities and research institutions. More information: