Press Releases/News
Novel power amplifier from IHP boosting signal transmission for future beyond-5G technologies
At IHP, researchers led by Dr Mohamed Hussein Eissa have successfully developed a new silicon-based power amplifier that advances technology…
Summer School on Advanced Photonics and Electronics for Quantum, Sensing and Space Applications
Summer School of IHP, University of Rome Tor Vergata and University Roma Tre successfully gave insights into latest research results. 13 young…
IHP opens Joint Lab with the RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich
The joint research of IHP – Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics and RWTH Aachen together with the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ…
Erfolgreicher Start: IHP begrüßt Auszubildende
Insgesamt zehn junge Menschen nutzen seit 2. September 2024 die Möglichkeiten des IHP als Startpunkt in ihre berufliche Laufbahn. Zum ersten…
Entdecke die Wissenschaft und erlebe Forschung hautnah - Tag der offenen Tür am 7. September 2024
Meet-the-IHP, Ausstellungsflächen und zahlreiche Labore – Der Tag der offenen Tür am IHP steckt voller Überraschungen. Das Institut öffnet am 7.…
Photonics for the future: Brandenburg's PICS4SENS research project launched
PICS4SENS has set itself an ambitious goal: to increase the technological maturity of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and pave the way for…
New Material Paves the Way to On-Chip Energy Harvesting
Researchers from Germany, Italy, and the UK have achieved a major advance in the development of materials suitable for on-chip energy harvesting. By…
Artificial intelligence for Brandenburg: IHP at the state's 3rd AI Day
The 3rd Brandenburg AI Day provided a platform for the exchange and networking of science and industry in the field of artificial intelligence. The…
Threat from Hardware Trojans: Study shows Manipulation Possibilities
On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), experts from the IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics…
The fascination of natural science: Final of the State Olympics in Physics in Frankfurt (Oder)
In this year's final of the 34th State Olympics in Physics, a total of 58 pupils from 18 schools in Brandenburg in years 7 to 12 competed at the…
Summer School: Agenda is online!
The Summer School "Photonic Realms: A Journey into Quantum Information, Sensing, and Space Applications" is scheduled to take place from September…
Exciting and informative - insights into IHP professions and research at the Brandenburg Future Day
28 pupils took part in the Brandenburg Future Day for girls and boys. They discovered the versatility of the institute during lectures, lab tours and…
IHP presents results at iCampµsCottbusConference (iCCC2024)
From May 14 to 16, 2024, research institutions and companies will discuss and develop new project ideas: The first iCampµsCottbusConference (iCCC)…
Scale4Edge enters second project phase: Fault-tolerant system presented at the kick-off meeting
Future-proof specialised processors with a focus on hardware for edge applications and AI processors for the automotive sector were on the agenda of…
Empowerment through Science: Girls discover Microelectronics and Physics
Introducing young women to science in general and to microelectronics and physics in particular was the aim of two events recently held at the IHP to…
IHP opens Joint Lab with the University of Roma Tre
The joint research of IHP and Roma Tre University has reached a new level. On February 22th, the Joint Lab on "Intelligent electro-optical sensing"…
40 years of IHP in Frankfurt (Oder)
IHP celebrated its 40th anniversary with a ceremony on 30 November 2023. Dr Manja Schüle, Prof Jörg Steinbach, Dr Jens Brandenburg and the Lord Mayor…
Ceremonial kick-off for structural change project OASYS
The project "Optoelectronic Sensors for Application-oriented Systems for Life Sciences and Intelligent Manufacturing – OASYS" celebrated its official…
HyPhoX wins the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award
In the competition for the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award 2023, the HyPhoX team triumphed in the final . The current spin-off project of IHP…
Research Consortium sets Standards in the Field of Open Source Hardware: Open Tools used for a Security Chip
The HEP research project has presented an open, flexible design for a security chip. The project used open source, free components and tools to…