On Wafer Electrical Characterization in Cleanroom and Lab:
DC and CV Parameter Test
- SPC (Statistical Parameter Control)
- reliability testing (-60°C -125°C)
- yield test, failure analysis
- measurement of MOS interface and bulk properties
- electrostatic discharge (ESD) characterization
- DC/CV and pulsed-signal techniques using single probes, wedges and probecards
- simultaneous HF/LF MOS-CV technique in non steady-state non-equilibrium for investigation of interface and bulk properties of the MOS system
- ring oscillator measurements for determining of gate delays in sub ps range
- TLP (Transmission Line Pulser) and HBM (Human Body Model) for ESD testing
- 1/f noise measurements
- DC-Parametertesters (Keithley S630) with fullautomatic 8“ waferprobers in cleanroom and labs
- IHP proprietary HF/LF MOS-CV setup
- DC/CV Parameter Testsystems (Agilent 4156C, 4294A) with semi-automatic 8“ and 12“ waferprobers
- cryogenic probestation for DC-, RF- and S-Parameter mesurements, 4“ chuck, T down to liquid He-temperature
- 1/f noise measurements (Proplus 9812DX)
- TLP, vf-TLP and HBM measurements (HPPI TLP-4010C )
Mixed Signal Prototype Test
- prototype characterization of IHP- and custom designs fabricated in IHP‘s pilot line
- chip testing with analog and digital test signals
- bit error rate testing (BERT) up to 32 Gbit/s
- PXI-System with flexible modular instrumentation architecture, rugged PC-based high-performance mixed mode measurement system
- agilent BERT system: pseudorandom binary sequence generator (PRBS)
- 70 GHz sampling oscilloscope: Agilent Infiniium DCA-X 86100D
- pattern generator: Agilent N4951B
- serial BERT: Agilent N4960A
RF S-Parameter, RF Noise
- S Parameter measurements for ultra fast HBT devices with fmax > 500 GHz
- RF noise parameter characterization
- two port S-parameter measurement
- 110 GHz - 170 GHz (300K - 358K)
- 1 kHz - 120 GHz (300K - 358K)
- 10 MHz - 67 GHz (233K - 398K )
- 10 MHz - 50 GHz (300K - 358K)
- Four port S-parameter measurement (or true differential two port)
- 10 MHz - 50 GHz
- 1 kHz -120 GHz
S Parameter
- Agilent Network Analyzer: E7350A, E8364A, 8720ES, E8361A
- Keysight Network Analyzer: N5245A, N5291A
- Rohde & Schwarz: ZVA24
- RF Noise: Noise source N4002A @ 2 - 26.5 GHz (Temp. 300 K - 358 K)