Radio Frequency & Broadband Communication Systems

The IHP develops circuits and system solutions for a wide variety of communication and sensor tasks.

HF circuits are developed on the one hand for wireless data transmission (transmitter and receiver circuits) and on the other hand for HF sensors (e.g. radar) and then used in application-specific systems. This often requires very complex analog and digital signal processing, which is also developed at the IHP. The IHP has the following competencies in the field of radio frequency and broadband communication systems:


  • Communication Systems and Circuits with Highest Data Rates

    Communication Systems and Circuits with Highest Data Rates

    Wireless communication systems for highest data rates can, for example, be realized at very high carrier frequencies using high bandwidth or as MIMO systems with extremely high spectral efficiency. 

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  • System Solutions and Circuits for 5G and 6G Cellular and Backhaul and Fronthaul Networks

    System Solutions and Circuits for 5G and 6G Cellular and Backhaul and Fronthaul Networks

    IHP has developed several solutions for 5G/6G mobile networks. This includes solutions for mm-wave fronthaul and backhaul networks, synchronisation as well as localization of mobile nodes.

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  • Fiber Optic Communication

    Fiber Optic Communication

    The interface between the optical and the electrical domain in fiber-optical communication systems is a special challenge while the demands on data rates increase.

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  • WLAN Systems with Short Latency for Safety-critical Applications

    WLAN Systems with Short Latency for Safety-critical Applications

    In the area of industry automation, communication can be extremely latency-​critical. We have developed system solutions, baseband processors as well as protocol (MAC) processors that support extremely low latency communications. 

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  • Radiation-tolerant RF Circuits for Space Applications

    Radiation-tolerant RF Circuits for Space Applications

    The Space applications sector requires radio frequency circuits, which fulfill highest requirements concerning a reliable operation under harsh environmental conditions (i.e. temperature range, exposure to cosmic radiation, and radio channel conditions in satellites).

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The development of communication systems with very high data rates and the necessary high-frequency and broadband circuits is one of the core competencies of the IHP and is primarily driven by the Circuit Design and System Architectures departments. Important development goals are, on the one hand, wireless data transmission with more than 100 Gbit/s and, on the other hand, extremely low-latency transmissions as required in many mobile communication applications (5G and future). MIMO systems with integrated multi-antenna arrays are also the focus of research and development.

The development of intelligent sensors and wireless sensor networks with high reliability, excellent data security and the best energy efficiency are important goals of the IHP and are promoted in particular in the Circuit Design and Wireless Systems departments. In sensor technology, activities focus on high-frequency sensors that measure the permittivity of materials, for example, and on radar and distance sensors that are based on time-of-flight measurements of radio propagation. The fields of application of such circuits and systems are wide-ranging and include topics such as Internet of Things, medical technology, Industry 4.0, Agriculture 4.0, autonomous driving and flying or environmental monitoring.

Prof. Corrado Carta

Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)

Natalie Lehmann
Phone: +49 335 5625 432
Send e-mail »

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