Dependable Sensor Networks

The Joint Lab "Dependable Sensor Networks" is a joint facility of the Institute of Computer Science, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and the IHP. The scientists conduct research together with the students and supervise students and postgraduates.

The Joint Lab focuses on the dependability and security of distributed computer systems with an emphasis on the role of timing constraints. In recent years, the technology of distributed computer- and sensorbased systems has become a worldwide focus of research. Such systems consist of computers and network connections and are used for control and signal processing in real-world environments, such as applications of smart power grids, flight safety control, vehicle control, medical applications and environmental monitoring.

The real-world environment in which these systems function is typically characterized by realtime constraints and by the need to handle exceptional conditions and errors in safety-critical applications. At the same time, reliability requirements for distributed computer systems are constantly growing. Error management in these systems generally induces considerable power-consumption and hardware overhead, especially if the error management has to be performed in a short time such as a single clock cycle (e.g., based on “hot” backup elements).

The emerging challenge is two-fold. First, error management must be performed at minimum cost and overhead. Second, security aspects may have a further impact, requiring system design approaches that consider dependability and security in close combination. Essentially this means that critical system functions must be secured even under error conditions and in case of attacks by various mechanisms.

In August 2020, the KISS_KI project was launched, in which methods of artificial intelligence for the detection of attacks against automation networks in the area of critical infrastructures, such as waterworks, are being investigated. This approach may also be able to detect malfunctions in the systems. There are similarities here and, in the course of the projects, possibly synergies with the Innovation Campus µSensorik project ForTune.  Initial work has already begun.

In November 2020, the project at the Mittelstand 4.0 competence center in Cottbus was extended by 2 years. The field of activity was expanded to include consulting on artificial intelligence topics.

  • Research >> click here <<

    Current Trends

    • Cyber Physical Systems
    • Internet of Things
    • Industry 4.0

    Common Challenges

    Highest Reliability

    How can we achieve high reliability?
    a) on software and hardware level?
    b) on system level?

    Hard real-time

    How can we guarantee hard real-time in particular in wireless communication?

    Complex Design

    How can we model such systems correctly?
    How are correct implementations ensured?

    IT Security

    How can we achieve IT Security?
    a) on software and hardware level?
    b) on system level?

  • Projects >> click here <<

  • Publications >> click here <<


    1. Ievgen Kabin, Zoya Dyka, Dan Klann, Peter Langendörfer: Methods increasing inherent resistance of ECC designs against horizontal attacks. Elsevier Integration. 73: 50-67 (2020)
    2. D Kreiser, Z Dyka, S Kornemann, C Wittke, I Kabin, O Stecklina, P. Langendörfer  On Wireless Channel Parameters for Key Generation in Industrial Environments, IEEE Access, 2017


    1. W. Alsabbagh, P. Langendörfer A Stealth Program Injection Attack against S7-300 PLCs Proc. 22nd International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2021) (to appear)
    2. W. Alsabbagh, P. Langendörfer A Remote Attack Tool on Siemens S7-300 Controllers: Practical Report, Proc. 11. Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2020)
    3. Maksim Jenihhin, Said Hamdioui, Matteo Sonza Reorda, Milos Krstic, Peter Langendörfer, Christian Sauer, Anton Klotz, Michael Hübner, Jörg Nolte, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus, Georgios N. Selimis, Dan Alexandrescu, Mottaqiallah Taouil, Geert Jan Schrijen, Jaan Raik, Luca Sterpone, Giovanni Squillero, Zoya Dyka: RESCUE: Interdependent Challenges of Reliability, Security and Quality in Nanoelectronic Systems. DATE 2020: 388-393^
    4. Ievgen Kabin, Zoya Dyka, Marcin Aftowicz, Dan Klann, Peter Langendörfer: Resistance of the Montgomery kP Algorithm against Simple SCA: Theory and Practice. LATS 2020: 1-6
    5. Kai Lehniger, Marcin J. Aftowicz, Peter Langendörfer, Zoya Dyka: Challenges of Return-Oriented-Programming on the Xtensa Hardware Architecture. DSD 2020: 154-158
    6. Dmytro Petryk, Zoya Dyka, Eduardo Pérez, Mamathamba Kalishettyhalli Mahadevaiaha, Ievgen Kabin, Christian Wenger, Peter Langendörfer: Evaluation of the Sensitivity of RRAM Cells to Optical Fault Injection Attacks. DSD 2020: 238-245
    7. Ievgen Kabin, Zoya Dyka, Dan Klann, Nele Mentens, Lejla Batina, Peter Langendörfer: Breaking a fully Balanced ASIC Coprocessor Implementing Complete Addition Formulas on Weierstrass Elliptic Curves. DSD 2020: 270-276
    8. Dan Klann, Marcin Aftowicz, Ievgen Kabin, Zoya Dyka, Peter Langendörfer: Integration and Implementation of four different Elliptic Curves in a single high-speed Design considering SCA. DTIS 2020: 1-2
  • Education >> click here <<

    As part of the collaboration in the JointLab, IHP supports teaching at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, especially in the Master's degree programme Cyber Security as well as in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes Computer Science, Information and Media Technology and eBusiness. The following modules are offered as part of these degree programms:

    • Security in Pervasive Systems
    • Cyber Security Application Areas
    • Security of Resource-constraint Systems
    • Hands on knowledge on side channel attacks
    • Hands on Wireless Sensor Network Applications
    • Wireless Sensor Networks: Concepts, Protocols and Applications

    In addition, the pro-seminar Resilient Systems is offered regularly. Furthermore, final theses are continuously supervised. At the moment, seven Master's theses are in progress. In the winter semester, two master's theses were successfully completed.

    Furthermore, interested students, especially in the Master's degree programmes, have the opportunity to complete their (compulsory) internship at the IHP.

Prof. Peter Langendörfer

Department Head

Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)

Franziska Sellmann
Phone: +49 335 5625 764
Fax: +49 335 5625 671
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Prof. Michael Hübner

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 5
03046 Cottbus

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