Artificial permittivity and permeability engineering for future generation sub-wavelength analog integrated circuits and systems
The objective of the NANOPOLY project is the development of integrated circuits and systems based on meta material effects. Among others, miniaturized antenna elements, passive components without parasitic coupling and reduced cross talk/radiative losses between components and circuits based on impedance engineering will be explored. In addition, the combination of 2D materials and meta materials will be exploited to obtain low noise and high mobility FET devices. In summary, the contribution of NANOPOLY will be an enabling technology for future miniaturized and smart systems.
IHP's Contribution
IHP will focus on the implementation of the meta – electronics on the vast silicon-based ecosystem to ensure impact on the existing industry of high frequency electronics for silicon-based “more than Moore” systems. In particular, IHP will support the design/fabrication/characterization of passive components operating at both 120 and 300 GHz.
The NanoPoly project is funded by Seventh Framework program under the grant agreement No H2020 FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020.
Project Partners
- Thales S.A.
- Foundation for Research & Technology Hellas (FORTH)
- Insitute National De Cercetaredezvoltare Pentru Microtehnologie
- Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique Et Aux Energie Alternatives
- Universitá Politecnica Delle Marche
- Fondacio Institut Catala De Nanociencia I Nanotecnologia
- RF Microtech SRL