News - Communication- and Embedded System Architectures
Artificial intelligence for Brandenburg: IHP at the state's 3rd AI Day
The 3rd Brandenburg AI Day provided a platform for the exchange and networking of science and industry in the field of artificial intelligence. The…
IHP presents results at iCampµsCottbusConference (iCCC2024)
From May 14 to 16, 2024, research institutions and companies will discuss and develop new project ideas: The first iCampµsCottbusConference (iCCC)…
Scale4Edge enters second project phase: Fault-tolerant system presented at the kick-off meeting
Future-proof specialised processors with a focus on hardware for edge applications and AI processors for the automotive sector were on the agenda of…
IHP ICs fly to Jupiter
Technology from Frankfurt (Oder) is Part of ESA's JUICE Mission: With the launch of ESA's JUICE, IHP technology has also gone on the more than one…
Honorary professorship for Dr. Zoya Dyka
Dr. Zoya Dyka, leader of the research group Hardware Security at the IHP, was appointed honorary professor for Hardware Security at the Faculty 1 of…
Learning at IHP Summer Schools
Two summer schools took place at IHP this year. In total, more than 30 young scientists were welcomed. Topics such as quantum computing, communication…
Students develop a functioning AI chip at IHP
Project "Brandenburg/Bayern Aktion für KI-Hardware-Themen im Lehrplan der Universitäten" pushes practice-oriented teaching. The successful cooperation…
Jetzt anmelden: 11. Brandenburger Sensornetztag am IHP
Wasser, eine der wichtigsten natürlichen Ressourcen auf der Erde, wird das Thema des 11. Brandenburger Sensornetztages am 25. November 2021 sein. Die…
IHP conducts cutting-edge research in the field of the 6G da-ta network
The BMBF has selected four hubs nationwide to research the future technology 6G, in which around 50 research partners will participate from August…
Resilience in networked worlds
DFG approves new priority program in the field of network infrastructure