Fellowship Programs
We promote the international exchange of students and graduates as a partner of the following international scholarship programs, among others:
Erasmus+ program
The Erasmus+ program enables European students to spend several months abroad at universities, non-university research institutions or companies in Europe, including IHP. More information: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/
Scholarship program of the German Economy
The scholarship program of the German Economy offers young scientists the opportunity of an internship of several months. The scholarship program is mainly coordinated by the Committee of Eastern Europe of the German Economy. Participation in the scholarship program for the countries of the Western Balkans and Ukraine and is planned for 2021. More information: https://www.djindjic-stipendienprogramm.de/
DAAD RISE program
The DAAD RISE program supports short-term research stays of North American and British students at German universities and research institutions. IHP offers students and graduates of natural and engineering sciences from North America the opportunity of an internship at the institute. More information: https://www.daad.de/rise/en/rise-germany/about-the-program/