Hybrid Photonics & Thin Film Technologies

The Joint Lab "Photonic Devices & Thin Film Technologies" between Wildau University of Technology and the IHP was founded in 2006. Since 2016 the thematic focus has been on the realization of hybrid photonic modules. 

The focus of the long-standing and successful cooperation is the joint training of young scientists.

  • Research >> click here <<

    The research focus of the Joint Lab is the development of:      

    • hybrid photonic devices, modules and technologies
    • process and technology development for graphene based devices

    The focus of research is on the development of devices and modules that can be used for the realization of hybrid photonics technologies. These can particularly address applications in the field of sensor technology and medical technology. Within the framework of the "More-than-Moore" device and technology developments of the IHP, the Joint Lab also researches and develops new diagnostic procedures for the developed modules.

    The Joint Lab IHP/TH Wildau successfully continues the long lasting and successful cooperation within the collaboration with the IHP. Academic teaching and research will be further intensified. Joint networking activities and public appearances, such as the Wildau Science Week and trade fair appearances, e.g. the "Sensor & Test" and the Microsystems Technology Congress (MST), are used to present the results to the public. In addition to research, a special focus is the joint training of young scientists and engineers. Lectures, laboratory internships and student excursions are held annually ffor students of the TH Wildau from the bachelor and master degree programs. Numerous final theses for bachelor and master students are successful testimony to the many years of cooperation. A special highlight was the international summer school held in 2018, which was organized by the TH Wildau in cooperation with the University of Rome TorVergata and together with the IHP. Joint dual study programs complement the training and education portfolio of the Joint Lab between TH Wildau and IHP. 

  • Projects >> click here <<


    Applied basic research in the field of photonic sensors will enable emergency services for fast heart attack diagnoses.



    Graphene Exfoliation – Technology Development of an Industry-​oriented 2D Transfer Process


    The DoGeALD DFG-project deals with the investigation of highly thin-film doping by ALD and flash-lamp-anneal realized in patterned germanium structures for future 3D electronic and photonic devices. The IHP focus on the test template fabrication and material characterization.

  • Publications >> click here <<

    1. Silicon-on-Insulator Slot Waveguides: Theory and Applications in Electro-Optics and Optical Sensing; P. Steglich; Emerging Waveguide Technology, 1st Edition, Editor: K.Y. You, Chapter 10. Silicon-on-Insulator Slot Waveguides: Theory and Applications in Electro-Optics and Optical Sensing, IntechOpen, 187 (2018).

    2. Silicon-Organic Hybrid Photonics: Integration of Electro-Optical Polymers in a Photonic Integrated Circuit Technology;P. Steglich, Ch. Mai, C. Villringer, B. Dietzel, S. Schrader, A. Mai; ECS Transactions 92(4), 187 (2019).

    3. C. Mai, P. Steglich, M. Fraschke and A. Mai; "Back-Side Release of Slot Waveguides for the Integration of Functional Materials in a Silicon Photonic Technology With a Full BEOL," in IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. 10, no. 9, pp. 1569-1574, Sept. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TCPMT.2020.3011149.

    4. Photonic Thermal Sensor Integration Towards Electronic-Photonic-IC Technologies; A. Mai, S. Bondarenko, Ch. Mai, P. Steglich; Proc. 49th European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC 2019), 254 (2019).

    5. Diagnostic of Graphene on 200 mm Ge(100)/Si(100) Wafers by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry; O. Fursenko, M. Lukosius, J. Bauer, C. Villringer, M. Fraschke, M. Lisker, A. Mai; Proc. 8th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (ICSE 2019).

  • Education >> click here <<

    Further Information:

    • Bachelor Physical Technologies and Energy Systems | TH Wildau
    • Master Photonics | TH Wildau
    • Research Group Photonics, Laser and Plasma Technologies
    • Research Project Hopbit (only in German)

Prof. Andreas Mai

Department Head
Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)

Katja Albani
Phone: +49 335 5625 670
Fax: +49 335 5625 327
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