

40 years of IHP in Frankfurt (Oder)

IHP celebrated its 40th anniversary with a ceremony on 30 November 2023. Dr Manja Schüle, Prof Jörg Steinbach, Dr Jens Brandenburg and the Lord Mayor…

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News Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics Wireless Systems and Applications

Ceremonial kick-off for structural change project OASYS

The project "Optoelectronic Sensors for Application-oriented Systems for Life Sciences and Intelligent Manufacturing – OASYS" celebrated its official…

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Press Releases Technologies for Smart Systems

HyPhoX wins the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award

In the competition for the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award 2023, the HyPhoX team triumphed in the final . The current spin-off project of IHP…

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Press Releases Technologies for Smart Systems

Research Consortium sets Standards in the Field of Open Source Hardware: Open Tools used for a Security Chip

The HEP research project has presented an open, flexible design for a security chip. The project used open source, free components and tools to…

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Press Releases

Ausbildungsstart 2023 am IHP

Sechs junge Menschen haben am 1. September 2023 den nächsten Schritt auf der Karriereleiter gemacht und ihre Ausbildung bzw. ein Duales Studium am IHP…

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Press Releases

Innovationen erleben: Tag der offenen Tür am 9. September 2023

InnoTruck, Ausstellungsflächen und zahlreiche Labore – Der Tag der offenen Tür am IHP steckt voller Überraschungen. Das Institut öffnet am 9.…

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Press Releases

IHP successfully evaluated

IHP will continue to be jointly funded by the federal government and federal states in the coming years until at least 2029. This is what the Senate…

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Press Releases Technologies for Smart Systems

„Joint Technology Lab“ in der LOK21 eröffnet

Mitte Juni wurden „Joint Technology Lab“, kurz JTL, in der LOK21 in Wildau eröffnet. Das JTL setzt neue Möglichkeiten für die fachübergreifende…

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Press Releases

33. Physikolympiade motivierte junge Talente zu Spitzenleistungen

53 junge Physikerinnen und Physiker von 16 Schulen aus ganz Brandenburg kamen zum Finale der 33. Physikolympiade nach Frankfurt (Oder) ans…

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News Materials for Micro- and Nanoelectronics Technologies for Smart Systems

IHP a strong player at ISTDM/ICSI conference

With six papers, one invited presentation and one poster, IHP researchers participated in the 3rd joint ISTDM/ICSI conference in Como, Italy, held May…

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