News - Cyber-Physical System Engineering
IEEE Outstanding Paper Award for IHP scientists
Prof. Peter Langendörfer and Dr. Wael Alsabbagh recognized for an outstanding article published in the IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics…
Artificial intelligence for Brandenburg: IHP at the state's 3rd AI Day
The 3rd Brandenburg AI Day provided a platform for the exchange and networking of science and industry in the field of artificial intelligence. The…
Threat from Hardware Trojans: Study shows Manipulation Possibilities
On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), experts from the IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics…
Ceremonial kick-off for structural change project OASYS
The project "Optoelectronic Sensors for Application-oriented Systems for Life Sciences and Intelligent Manufacturing – OASYS" celebrated its official…
From virtual to real: Ultramodern Laboratory Space Opened at Joint Lab IHP - University Zielona Góra
On November 28, 2022 the opening of the new Laboratory for Distributed Measurement Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks at the University Zielona…
Revival of the sugar beet: hacking robot successfully tested
In the zUCKERrübe research project, the Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences (HNEE) and IHP are developing a fully automated robot for weed…
What follows coal? Future opportunities through microsensor technology and digitalization
The Federal Ministry of Research supports regional structural change through innovative technologies with 20 million euros: Through research and…
Jetzt anmelden: 11. Brandenburger Sensornetztag am IHP
Wasser, eine der wichtigsten natürlichen Ressourcen auf der Erde, wird das Thema des 11. Brandenburger Sensornetztages am 25. November 2021 sein. Die…
Sustainable, pesticide-free cultivation of sugar beet in the Uckermark region
Joint project „zUCKERrübe“ researches autonomous, environmentally friendly cultivation methods
Empowerment for self-reliance by strengthening skills in the field of IT security
IHP develops free e-learning platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in Brandenburg