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Artificial intelligence for Brandenburg: IHP at the state's 3rd AI Day

Für das IHP leitete Prof. Dr. Miloš Krstić den Vortrag „KI und Mikroelektronik - Made in Brandenburg“ ein. © IHP 2024/Inesa Posypai

At the 3rd Brandenburg AI Day, IHP – Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics took the opportunity to present its expertise in the field of AI research to a wide audience at the Kleist Forum. The event centred around the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) provided an excellent framework for exchange and networking and showed once again that science and industry in Brandenburg are well positioned in the field of AI. In addition to an information booth and presentations as part of the supporting programme, IHP also provided an excursion to the Frankfurt Technology Park, where interested visitors had the opportunity to take a look inside the clean room, the central infrastructure of the research institute.

The 3rd Brandenburg AI Day, organised by the Ministry of Science (MWFK) and the Ministry for Economic Affairs (MWAE) together with the Central Point of Contact for Artificial Intelligence (ZAKI), Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries of the Economic Development Agency Brandenburg GmbH and the AI network Net4AI, was opened by State Secretary for Science Tobias Dünow. In his welcoming speech, he emphasised the IHP's significance: "IHP offers decades of expertise and a unique infrastructure for microelectronics research: Smart systems, intelligent technologies and new materials for micro and nanotechnologies are researched and developed here, and not just for space travel. In short, IHP is one of the most fascinating Leibniz Institutes that I know and from which Brandenburg's AI expertise derives." He also said: "The third AI Day was the first after the AI state strategy  was passed by the cabinet. In future, we will use this to specifically promote areas of research in which AI can particularly support the strengths of Brandenburg's economic and scientific landscape. With our AI strategy, we have an excellent foundation for the further development and application of AI in the coming years. I am certain that IHP will also benefit from this."

Themed "Bringing AI to the stage in Brandenburg - opportunities, inspiration, challenges and advice on the topic of artificial intelligence", around 250 participants from science, business, administration and society spent a whole day discussing current issues and topics. On behalf of IHP, Prof Miloš Krstić presented the lecture "AI and Microelectronics - Made in Brandenburg" and outlined a broad spectrum of the institute's AI activities. Dr Patrick Steglich then used the example of HyPhoX to explain how AI and innovative sensor technology work together. Finally, Prof Peter Langendörfer spoke on the topic of AI and IT security.

Prof Gerhard Kahmen, Scientific Director of IHP: "AI is of great importance for numerous research areas at IHP. This involves the use of AI approaches in the solutions of IHP, such as distributed and intelligent sensor technology, but also in the design of trustworthy and secure electronics. IHP is also researching technologies for hardware-based AI accelerators with the aim of realising energy-efficient and high-performance edge systems."

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