Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics
The Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP) is the worldwide leading competence center for silicon-germanium technology.
We conduct cutting-edge research and development into silicon-based systems, high-frequency circuits and technologies for wireless and broadband communication. As a transition between basic research and application-oriented applications, the institute makes significant contributions to the innovative strength and ability of Germany and Europe as a location.
The IHP's research focuses on economically relevant topics that are used in:
Fields of Activity
Erfolgreicher Start: IHP begrüßt Auszubildende
Insgesamt zehn junge Menschen nutzen seit 2. September 2024 die Möglichkeiten des IHP als Startpunkt in ihre berufliche Laufbahn. Zum ersten Kennenlernen war beim Azubi-Welcome-Day Gelegenheit. Dort trafen sie auch die Auszubildenden der höheren Jahrgänge sowie die Ausbilderinnen und Ausbilder.
Entdecke die Wissenschaft und erlebe Forschung hautnah - Tag der offenen Tür am 7. September 2024
Meet-the-IHP, Ausstellungsflächen und zahlreiche Labore – Der Tag der offenen Tür am IHP steckt voller Überraschungen. Das Institut öffnet am 7. September von 14 bis 18 Uhr. Wieder dabei sind zahlreiche, langjährige Partnerinnen und Partner. Für Gäste aus der Frankfurter Nachbarstadt Słubice werden Führungen auf Polnisch angeboten.
Photonics for the future: Brandenburg's PICS4SENS research project launched
PICS4SENS has set itself an ambitious goal: to increase the technological maturity of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and pave the way for commercialisation in sensor technology. Over a period of four years, the research consortium will receive a total of 3.4 million euros from the StaF-Verbund.
New Material Paves the Way to On-Chip Energy Harvesting
Researchers from Germany, Italy, and the UK have achieved a major advance in the development of materials suitable for on-chip energy harvesting. By composing an alloy made of silicon, germanium and tin, they were able to create a thermoelectric material. The research findings made it onto the cover of the renowned scientific journal ACS Applied Energy Materials.
Artificial intelligence for Brandenburg: IHP at the state's 3rd AI Day
The 3rd Brandenburg AI Day provided a platform for the exchange and networking of science and industry in the field of artificial intelligence. The IHP took the opportunity to present its expertise in the field of AI research to a wide audience.
Threat from Hardware Trojans: Study shows Manipulation Possibilities
On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), experts from the IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics prepared the study "Analysis of Hardware Manipulations in Distributed Manufacturing Processes (PANDA)". The result: Safety properties or functionality can be negatively affected in all sub-steps.