Seminare Seminars Technologies for Smart Systems

Summer School "Photonic Realms: A Journey into Quantum Information, Sensing, and Space Applications"


Explore this year's German-Italian Summer School, an excellent opportunity to find out more about the fascinating research field of "Advanced Photonics and Electronics for Quantum and Space Applications". Our Summer School is a collaboration between IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics, and the Universities of Rome Tor Vergata and Roma Tre!

If you would you like to expand your knowledge of current developments in electronics and photonics for applications in space and quantum technologies and if you enjoy working in a varied environment with international students we would like to welcome you during the Summer School.
We present an engaging program showcasing the latest advancements so that you can find out more about the current state of research and exchange ideas with experts. 

Attendees can expect lectures delivered by esteemed experts from academia and industry, guided laboratory tours, insightful talks from professionals in relevant fields, and social activities to enrich the experience.

  • Time and location: Rome and Frankfurt (Oder) // Sunday 15-Sep-2024 to Saturday 21-Sep-2024.
  • Participants: The Summer School is aimed at Master's students, advanced Bachelor's students and doctoral students in the initial phase of their doctorate. We will accept a maximum of 20 perticipants.
  • Participation fee: 200 euros which includes catering and participation in the programme. You are responsible for travelling to and from the event. 
  • Language: English

After selecting the participants, we will send a link to the final registration as well as the payment request. 

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How to find us

How to find us: Rome - Tor Vergata Building

Macroarea di Ingegneria - Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico, 1
00133 Roma RM

How to find us: Frankfurt (Oder) - IHP

IHP - Leibniz-Institute for High Performance Microelectronics
Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)


Sunday, September 15th, 2024
Frankfurt (Oder)

until 16:45 Meeting point: At Frankfurt Oder railway station. Organised luggage transport to the  "Haus Einstein"
16:45 Welcome & Start of our Summer School!
17:00 Tour through Frankfurt (Oder) and Joint Dinner
19:00 Joint visit to the WG Bar (at own cost)
20:00 Move in + Check IN "Haus Einstein"

Monday, September 16th, 2024
Frankfurt (Oder)

09:00 Summer School  Welcome & Introduction of IHP
Prof Andreas Mai, IHP
09:30 IHP Lecture: Process & Technology Requirements for QT
Dr Felix Reichmann, IHP


10:45 IHP Lecture: Recent advances in photonic BiCMOS technology
Dr Stefan Lischke, IHP
11:15 HyPhoX: Advanced Photonic Sensing
Dr Patrick Steglich, HyPhoX


13:15 Science Slam
Sebastian Schulze, IHP
13:45 IHP Lecture: Requirements & Systems for Radhard Technologies
Prof Milos Krstic, IHP


14:30 Lab Tour (in groups): Photonic-Lab, Offline-Diagnostic
15:00 Lab Tour (in groups): Photonic-Lab, Offline-Diagnostic


15:45 Clean Room Tour/NanoLab
16:30 Quantum Competition
from 17:30 BBQ together on the IHP balcony

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024
Frankfurt (Oder)/Wildau

09:00 TH Wildau


10:45 HyPhoX Lab


13:00 Travel to BER and flight to Rome

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024


Quantum Information Processing and Communication
Dr Andrea Salamon, INFN


Linear Optics Quantum Computing, the CNOT gate
Paolo Piergentili, University of Camerino


10:45 Single Ion Deterministic Implantation
Jacopo Forneris, University of Turin


14:30 Superconductive Nanowires Photon Number Resolving Detectors
Dr Francesco Mattioli, CNR IFN


15:45 Polarization Control with Nanowires, 2D Materials and Topological Insulators
Dr Vittorio Bellani, University of Pavia

Social Event

Thursday, September 19th, 2024


Welcome in Deptartement Sciences Roma Tre
Prof Giovanni Capellini, IHP - Roma Tre Joint Lab

09:30 Lab Tour and the Rome Technopole Activities


10:45 The Present and Future of Protein-based Biosensing: Application in Life Sciences and Biomedicine
Prof Alessandra Di Masi, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre


13:15 Super-Resolution Microscopy Unraveling Material Nanostructures
Dr Massimiliano Lucidi, Università Degli Studi Roma Tre

Introduction to Phase-Change Materials: Growth, Properties and Applications
Fabrizio Arciprete, University of Rome Tor Vergata


15:00 Tour through Rome

Social Event

Friday, September 20th, 2024

09:00 Excursion INFN Laboratories


10:45 Good Bye Session 

Lunch and end of Summer School


Times may change.


We book the accommodation for you!

Germany - Frankfurt (Oder): Haus Einstein
Nuhnenstraße 47
15234 Frankfurt (Oder)

Italy - Rome: CampusX Rome Student Place
Via di Passo Lombardo 341, 
I-00133 – Rome (IT)

Booking may vary, depending on availability.


How many participants will be accepted?
We accept max. 20 participants. 

How much is the fee for the Summer School?
The participation fee is 200 euros. Registration for the Summer School is only considered complete once the transfer has been made to the IHP GmbH account.
IBAN: DE 02 1207 0000 0207 0944 00

I have registered for the Summer School but now I don't want to take part. What can I do?
If you have not yet paid the participation fee, please send us a written notification by e-mail or post. Please include your name, contact details and registration details.

If you have already paid the participation fee, as a participant you have the right to cancel your binding registration for the Summer School within 14 days in accordance with the statutory provisions. The cancellation period begins from the date of the binding registration.
To exercise your right of cancellation, please send us a written notification by e-mail or post. Please include your name, contact details and registration details.
Upon receipt of your cancellation, we will immediately send you a confirmation and refund the payment already made within 14 days.
Please note that the right of cancellation expires after the 14-day period.

By sending the binding confirmation, you undertake to take part in the Summer School. Should you wish to cancel your participation after the 14-day period please send us a written notification before the start of the course. Please note that the full participation fee is due in the event of cancellation.

I see that there are some nice photos from previous years. Will photos be taken again this year?
Photos and videos will be taken during the Summer School. These are used for public relations purposes (including social media) and also serve as permanent documentation of the Summer School (offline and online and can therefore also be accessed outside Europe). This processing serves to safeguard our legitimate interest in public relations and documentation within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 f) GDPR. You have the right to object to the processing in justified cases.
In order to make the cooperation as simple as possible, we would like to ask you to contact the respective photographers if you do not wish to be photographed.

In which language are the lectures?
The whole program will be given in English. We recommend you to have an intermediate level of English (B2).

Who books the flights? What flights are available?
We book a flight for all participants from Berlin to Rome.
Flight times may vary depending on the number of applicants and available seats on the respective flights. 

I am a vegetarian, can this be taken into account?
Please fill out the detail form and note your preferences and intolerances there. We pass these on to all service providers, but cannot guarantee that there are always appropriate alternatives.

I understand that my data are required for the Summer School application and for booking flights and accommodation. How long will this data be kept?
General information about data protection can be found in our privacy policy. Data collected specifically for the Summer School will be deleted immediately after the Summer School.


Prof. Andreas Mai
IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Micoelectronics
Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
Kathleen Schulte
Phone: +49 335 5625 660
Fax: +49 335 5625 327
Send e-mail »

Fabio De Matteis
Industrial Engineering Dept
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Via del Politecnico 1
00133 Roma
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Phone: +39 06 7259 4521

Dr. Andrea Salamon, PhD
INFN Sezione Roma Tor Vergata
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1
00133 Roma
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Phone (office): +39 06 7259 4110
Phone (lab): +39 06 7259 4909

Prof. Giovanni Capellini
IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Micoelectronics
Im Technologiepark 25
15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
Send e-mail »
Phone: +49 335 5625 317

Department of Sciences
University Roma Tre
Viale Guglielmo Marconi, 446
00146 Roma
Send e-mail »
Phone: +39 06 5733 3340

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